Source code of DT-Box-Inference

DT-Box-Inference application is designed to run TensorFlow/Keras trained models in prediction mode for MetaTrader5 custom indicators. I wrote the entire series of articles about developing such neural network-based pattern recognition indicators.  

If you’re interested in enhancing or customizing the DT-Box-Inference application to fit your specific needs, you can get the source code on my Github. The code for the DT-Box-Inference is divided into two repositories: DT-Box-Inference, which contains the Python code for the app itself, and DT-Box-Inference MT5, where I’ve placed all necessary MQL5 files.

Important Note on Code Licensing

While I anticipate you’ll review the LICENSE.txt file in each repository, I just want to briefly highlight the licensing terms – you are free to use, modify, and distribute the code, including versions modified by you, for any purpose except for selling the code or offering code modification services.

Additionally, if you have any questions or ideas related to pattern recognition for trading, please let me know at